Make a report to Stopline
1300 30 45 50 – Australia
Send an email to: [email protected]

Make a report via your smartphone.
Attention: OET, c/o Stopline, PO Box 403,
Diamond Creek, VIC 3089, Australia
NRS - National Relay Service
The NRS is a vital service that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment to make and receive phone calls.
Whistleblower Hotline
This website is part of the service provided by Stopline Pty Ltd to Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (OET). This platform is here to make it easy for you to report any issues that may adversely affect OET, its people or its reputation. Explore this site to learn more about the kinds of concerns you should report and how you can report them.
Dear Colleagues,
In our ongoing dedication to maintaining the high standards outlined in the Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (OET) Employee Handbook, we’ve taken a proactive step to ensure the integrity of our workplace. At OET we’ve set up a whistleblower program that empowers all of us to play an active role in eliminating improper conduct in the workplace.
We’ve partnered with Stopline, a confidential, independent provider of whistleblower services. They’re available to listen to your concerns via phone, mail, email, or this website. You can choose to remain anonymous if you prefer. Stopline’s services are available to all members of the OET community, including employees, contractors and designated stakeholders. Translation services can be provided if requested.
In addition to reporting, this website gives you access to important resources like our Employee Handbook, Whistleblower Policy and answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Strong corporate governance has the capacity to differentiate us from our competitors and enhance our reputation in the eyes of our clients and this website is just another example of OET’s commitment to best practice.